completely normal…
It is completely normal for us to deal with a certain amount of anxiety in our lives, for example when we are taking an exam, facing a job interview or having to speak in public. Actually, some anxiety in our lives can actually be good for us as the feelings that come with anxiety are an inbuilt reaction to how our bodies deal with stress – known as the fight, flight or freeze response.
However, for some people anxiety can become an overwhelming problem that is with all them all the time. Their worries and thoughts are with them all the time and they struggle to control them and it affects their daily life.
Hypnotherapy can help with anxiety by helping you to identify the triggers and causes of your anxiety and by using a combination of techniques can help you deal with these triggers. It can also provide you with a toolkit to use at those times when you are feeling anxious to provide you with the control that you need to deal with the situation.
evidEncE basEd therapy…
Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy (QCH) launched a unique research pilot in 2011.
This demonstrated the effective of Cognitive Hypnotherapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression. The results showed how much better people felt after an average of 4 sessions compared to other approaches using the same outcome measures (like CBT).
For further information concerning the research project and pilot study released in the Mental Health Review Journal please visit the Evidence-Based Therapy Research Page. https://www.qchpa.com/evidence-based-therapy/